Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My VG Team

Hey again! I hope you enjoyed my two previous deck analysis's, but today I am going to be doing something different. A video game analysis! This is actually more of me showing off my team for all of you. I actually am an extremely cheap person so I don't actually have Pokèmon X/Y or even a 3ds, but will hopefully have both by my birthday and will definetely use this team. I actually play and test my teams on Pokemon Showdown, which you can link to here. Okay, without further ado the team!
Ability: Protean
EV Spread
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Defense
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power Fire
So the role of this bad boy is the lead and scout. Since he has such a diverse move set, he might also be able to knockout their leader effectively. Then use U-Turn and switch accordingly. Don't rely on him to much as a sweeper, as he will die eventually because of Life Orb. As far as his nature goes, it is really preference. Also, don't underestimate his ability of OHKO'ing with Water Pulse. But overall, Greninja is more of a scout.

Ninjask @ Leftovers
Ability: Speed Boost
Ev Spread-252 Spe/248 Hp/8 Def
-Baton Pass
-Swords Dance
This Pokemons role in this team is the Setup for the Sweeper. He normally is used after Greninja scouts. Basically, his ability boosts his speed after every. Single. Turn. Using moves such as Substitute and Protect allow him to stall, increasing his Speed. If, at the end of a turn, if you find yourself behind a substitute, use swords dance! His Attack increases, and so does his Speed thanks to Speed Boost. Once you have his Speed and Attack maxed or nearly maxed, use a Baton Pass to pass these stat boosts on to your sweeper, making it nearly UNSTOPPABLE.
EV Spread: 252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
-Dragon Rush
-Dragon Claw
Speaking of unstoppable, coming in at the 3rd spot of my team is the almighty Charizard X. When set up with Ninjask, this Sweeper can 6-0 unsuspecting teams easily. Honestly there's not much I can say about him except just hit hard, have fun.
Porygon-Z @Choice Specs
EV Spread: 252 SpA/252 Hp/4 Spe
-Tri Atack
-Nasty Plot
-Ice Beam
Porygon-Z's role in this team is the special sweeper. Tri Attack, Choice Specs, Nasty Plot, and Download are such an unfair combo in terms of heavy hitting. It may seem odd that I included two heavy hitting sweepers in my team, but to be honest this team would be screwed without Porygon-Z.


Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EV Spread: 252 HP/252 SpD/4 Def
-Iron Head
-Body Slam
Jirachi serves as a very annoying staller for this team. He also has a bit of a medic role as I often use him to pass on wish to other almost dead Pokemon. However, the main idea of this Jirachi is to Paraflinch. Other Pokemon such as Stunfisk and Blissey are notorious for this feat, but Jirachi takes the cake when it comes to this special. Paraflinching is a combination of Paralyzing a Pokemon and constantly making it flinch. Jirachi's Serene Grace ability makes the chance of the attacks secondary doubled, so Iron Head is now a 60% chance at a flinch, and Body Slam is a 60% at Paralyzing. Pretty annoying.
Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EV Spread: 252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 252 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Drain Punch
Breloom is the special attacker of the team. He's meant to stay alive for a long time, and to deal damage the entire time he is alive. First lay down a Spore, and while the Defending Pokemon is snoozing, use Leech Seed. Then Drain Punch until that suckers dead. Pretty straight up.

 So that's it for the VG analysis of today. I'm fairly new to competitive VGing so if my team is absolutely crappy, drop a comment and tell me how it can be improved.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Flip Decree

Hello again everybody, and I welcome you to today's deck analysis! This is a never before seen and solely unique deck thought of and made by someone I know, and he calls it Flip Decree. It is an extremely luck based deck with a bit of defensive bulk. This extremely unique deck, when set up, has a 50 percent chance at an automatic KO. How is it done? Is the 50 percent chance worth it? These questions and much more about this never before seen deck will be answered here.
This paragraph answers our first question. How is it done? It relies heavily on two cards. The first is the "Doom Decree" Gothitelle. (DE 57). The second is the infamous "Fliptini" (NV). Below is a self explanatory picture of Gothitelle displaying it's useful attack in this deck, Doom Decree.
And the card that supports this card well, the "Fliptini" Victini.
But surely this couldn't be the entire deck? Could it? Certainly not. The deck needs way more bulk, offensive and defensive. That's where Mewtwo Ex (ND 54) comes in. So the basic idea of the deck is revealed, I think it's time to show the decklist and explain the extended strategy.

~The Pokemon
-2-2-2 Gothitelle Evolution (DE) 57)
-2 Mewtwo Ex (ND 54)
-3 Victini
-2 Mr. Mime
~The Trainers
-4 Ultra Ball
-4 Max Potion
-4 Switch
-4 Hynotoxic Lasers
-2 Virbank City Gyms
-4 Rare Candy
-4 Skyla
-4 Pokèmon Catcher
-1 Computer Search
~The Energies
-10 Psychic
-2 Double Colorless

So the above cards are pretty self explanatory and simple. Many of the trainers are used to get new hands. Hypnos and Virbanks are also just annoyances to your opponent and can also decrease the health of bulky Pokémon. But basically what you're looking to do in this deck is to get Gothitelle to sweep. Try to get a Mewtwo first, to protect and hold your own while building. Then, as quickly as you can, set up your Gothitelle. Next, get Fliptini and set up for the Doom Decree sweep. Alternative cards to consider in this deck are Tool Scrappers so you can take care of Garbodors. But otherwise that was it! Hope you enjoy the deck, and if you try it out, tell me how it goes!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Darkrai/Sableye Deck

Today I bring to the table a fairly well known deck whose essence and presence in tournament and online play is too prominent to overlook before the dreaded September rotation comes, its the overlooked, underdogged, Sableye/Darkrai deck. Now I know what you're thinking.."Why do I care? It's being rotated soon anyway." And you are right. Sadly in September Dark Explorers will no longer be with us, bringin with it the legacy of the beloved Sableye as well as Dark Claws/Patches. But does this mean Dark decks are absolutely hopeless? I think not. With the passing of the Dark Patch comes the rising of Yveltal (XY 78). Yveltal not only re-obtains discarded energy, but can also deal 30 damage in the process! The only downside is the fact that prize cards can be drawn off of Yveltal, unlike a Dark Patch. Below is an image of the Yveltal.
And compared to dark patch,
As can be seen, there are some obvious similarities. But which is better? That, my fellow Pokèmon loving friends is the exact nature of this article. At my weekly PTCG league, it is widely believed that Dark will just wither out when September comes. But on my part, I think the overall ingenuity of this deck can be restored! So let's jump right in with the original Darkrai/Sableye decklist itself!
Without further ado, the deck!
~The Pokèmon
-3 DEX Sableye
-3 DEX Darkrai
-2 PF Absol
-1 Mr. Mime
~The Items
-4 Dark Patch
-4 Dark Claw
-4 Ultra Ball
-4 Hypnotoxic Laser
-4 Virbank City Gym
-1 Computer Search
~The Supporters
-4 N
-4 Professor Juniper
-4 Bianca
~The Energy

-14 Darkness Energy

 The Strategy: The strategy of this deck is quite unique, and if you have seen, understand, or run this deck, feel free to skip this segment. Basically the objective of the deck is that of any other deck, KO the defending Pokemon as fast as possible. However, one thing unique to the deck is getting more than 1 energy on Darkrai per turn. If your active Pokemon is Sableye, then feel free to do energy discarding moves such as Ultra Ball or Professor Juniper. You can then use a Dark Patch (if you have it in your hand) to get those discarded energies on to your benched Darkrai. Sableye can then Junk Hunt to grab the aforementioned Dark Patchs. Below is a picture of the Sableye.
It's first attack, Confuse Ray, is to be used sparingly, as the main focus of this Sableye is the Junk Hunt attack. After you have a pumped Darkrai and an active Sableye, use Darkrai's Dark Cloak to retreat for free (if Sableye has a Darkness Energy attached).
The Absol's in this deck are solely Last Resorts. NEVER pump up an Absol unless you have a fully pumped Darkrai and Sableye. The Mr. Mime is there for bench protection.

So there it was. The mother of all dark decks. A variation of this deck was actually run by the 2013 WORLD champion, Jason Klaczynski! But can this ingenius idea prevail through the September rotation? Let's find out. A 1, a 2, a 3...

So let's go through the first decklist and list what is being rotated! Well, first off, the sad and ugly truth. No more Sableye. It is such a tough card to replace with the current cards in rotation. The only thing that begins to do what he does is the Ace Spec, Dowsing Machine.

But who knows, Game Freak could surprise us! When Sableye is gone, my advise to you is to use Trainers sparingly. Sableye can only grab Items back, so when he is gone people that run this deck are going to have to be very careful and sure about every item that they place. And personally, I ONLY used Sableye to get back Dark Patches, which happens to be the subject of the next paragraph in this article.

I briefly mentioned this as an intro to this article, but I feel it necessarily to mention this. As many were and still are, I was a doubter of this Deck's future. However, my look on this took a turn for the better when I beheld Yveltal (XY 78). In my entirely honest opinion, I do think Dark Patch was a faster, more efficient way to get energies back, however, Yveltal is going to have to do. Perhaps use Rescue Scarves to ensure his presence throughout the entire battle, because when he's gone, he's gone.

The other key item in this deck that is being rotated away is the ever helpful Dark Claw. However, there is really no need to worry now that XY released the ever popular Muscle Band, which does essentially the same thing. So no worries in reguard of replacing Dark Claw.

Now that we have addressed the replacements as a whole, I believe it is time to release the decklist. I have included some surprises within that may take a little explaining.

~The Pokemon
-2 Yveltal
-3 Yveltal EX
-3 Darkrai EX
2-2 Garbodor Evolution
~The Items
-4 Ultra Ball
-4 Hypnotoxic Lasers
-2 Pokemon Catcher
-2 Muscle Band
-2 Virbank City Gym
-2 Max Potion
-2 Rescue Scarf
-2 Switch
-2 Energy Retrieval
-1 Dowsing Machine
~The Supporters
-4 N
-4 Professor Juniper
-3 Skyla
-2 Elesa
~The Energy
-10 Darkness Energy
-2 Double Colorless Energy

First thing that probably popped out to you was the Garbodor Evolution. I believe that this is completely necessary, and with Abilities becoming more prominent in the Pokemon Card world, they need to be SHUT DOWN. The Elesa's are to help pull tools to put on Garbodor. Otherwise I feel that the rest of the deck has already been extensively explained. I hope this helps and/or entertains and wish all of you the best of luck, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Hello Pokemon fans and welcome to my blog! I am starting this blog solely for my viewers entertainment and information. Things will be posted almost daily about the Pokemon Trading Card Game, the Pokemon Video Game, and occasionally a Top Ten here or there. So sit back, relax, and enjoy all the things I have to tell. If you like the page, subscribe, and share it with a friend!